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Forex Strategy “Traffic Light”

Forex Strategy “Traffic Light” - traffic_1-300x164Fx Strategy “Traffic Light is a multi-currency ( suitable for trading in any currency pairs ) and was designed to trade on the daily ( D1 ) charts, and foundation are the signals of these Fx indicators: HMA modified,  RSI Custom, Goldminer 2, Trend Master.

You can trade at a lower extent, but the number of false alarms increases – so if there is a desire – Analyze smaller time intervals. All of these indicators forex clearly show the trend in the market and sending a signal when to enter the market and when to leave it.

Figure N1 – Examples of Business Forex Strategy “Traffic Light

Forex Strategy “Traffic Light” - traffic_11

Opening to SELL the strategy forex Traffic Light:

- Line indicator forex HMA modified to become red indicator forex Goldminer2 should also be red and the indicator RSI Custom should be red or yellow.

To open a trade transaction for the purchase of forex strategy Traffic Light:

- Line indicator forex HMA modified to become a green indicator Goldminer2 should also be green, and RSI Custom indicator should be green or yellow.

StopLoss order must be placed under or over a local min or max.

Just to greater confidence in the schedule can accommodate forex indicator CCI ( 14 ) – above freezing – buy below – sale.


Exiting the market should carry out as soon as the line indicator HMA modified color change his line on the opposite or indicator Goldminer2 change its color to the opposite.

Example N2 – Trading in M15 ( click on it to enlarge – opens in new window ).

Forex Strategy “Traffic Light” - traffic_2

Download Forex Strategy “Traffic Light”

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XM - Trading with Leverage 1000:1

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